Two Wrong Notions about the C&S Church made by Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo in an Interview with Pastor Poju Oyemade

The scripture according to the book John says "That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me". The true essence of the body of Christ relies on oneness and unity and It should be preached amidst different denominations of the church.
One lofty midnight after an online vigil held by my fellowship. I had to go through the messages I missed from Pastor Poju Oyemade InstaLive's interview. I found out I missed the one with Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo held on 14th April 2020.
It was a very insightful and inspiring interview with the great Man of God, but he made two wrong notions about the Cherubim and Seraphim Church which I like to call the attention of the public to.
Hitherto, his first misconception was on the question by the interviewer on the use of Psalms in prayer. His explanations were true and facts that every C&S members knew. In his explanation, he mentioned, "Not how the Cherubim and Seraphim Church used it" in which his perception was outrightly incorrect. If I may ask, how do the Cherubim and Seraphim Church use the Psalms? All of his scriptural exposition was what we were taught in Sunday school while growing up and still preached till date. The C&S church is a church birth out of revelations and the Lord placed the use of Psalms and hymns to be a guide and compartment of the church.
Secondly, On historical fact, he said the C&S church was birth out of the Joseph Ayodele Babalola Revival in the year 1930 which is incorrect. The C&S church was founded in the year 1925. The C&S Church was in existence before the outbreak of the 1930 revival.
Lastly, I would like to say the body of Christ should understand the dynamics of every church in humanity. So no pastor should speak against any part of the body of Christ. To all Christians, let the love of God and the Church abound in your heart so you can keep the fire burning and prevent tarnishing the church image. Shalom
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