The Secret To Supernatural Strength And Exploits Is Knowing Your God - OYEGBADE OLUMIDE CROWN

...But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits." Daniel 11:32b.
David knew Him as a battle instructor, then God taught his hands to war. That was what made him too formidable to be defeated by any foe and he also did great exploit in his lifetime. How strong you are going to be and how much exploits you will do will be determined by how much of God you know.
Apostle Paul attested to the truth about this fact when he cried, "....that I may know Him..." Phil 3:10. And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Daniel 11:32
Wine makes the heart to be glad. Food gives strength to the body while the knowledge of the word of God which is the "bread of life" makes spiritual men command exploits in every sphere of life. Are you set to be strong and do exploits? You've got to get on knowing your Lord and you cannot know your God outside His word. This is because; He is the word even as the word is God. So you can't separate God from His word.
The Bible says, "The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God," John 1:1(MSG)
Also, you cannot get on knowing God until you start exercising your faith. This is because faith comes by hearing the word of God and by exercising it, a deeper revelation of who God is will show up. The Bible holds the account of men who exercised their faith in God and got to know what nobody else knew about Him.
Lastly, having a consistent prayer life will expose you to unknown information about God which will make you strong enough to do exploits. To prophet Jeremiah, God said, "Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.'' Jeremiah 33:3 (MSG)
It's high time you move from being a weakling and achiever of small things to a strong and exploits doer and this is by knowing your God.
Faith versus fear, they are two sides of a coin. Faith empowers us to do great exploits but fear cripples us. It hinders and destroys our quest to do exploits. Both faith and fear come by hearing; faith comes by hearing the word of God while fear comes by hearing the voice of man or Satan. Fear is a spirit that affects every life. 2 Timothy 1:7 says "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind". The spirit of fear is a tool in the hand of the enemy to hinder or disrupt our destinies.
There are two types of fear in the Bible:
1. The fear of God leads to repentance. This is a deep admiration for God, His word and a Holy reverence for His presence.
2. The fear of things which can be broken down into five (5) different manifestations.
These five (5) fears that disrupt our lives and our abilities to do exploits.
The Fear of the Unknown
This fear paralyzes you. There is a saying, "Doubt has killed more dreams than failure ever could". We cannot be afraid of the uncertainties that the future holds, we must push through our fear of the unknown because God is the unknown. To make it and leave a mark in this world, reach out beyond your comfort zone and do not settle for the status quo.
The Fear of Failure
Man's default setting is to always expect the worst. Failure is proof that you made an attempt at success. Some of the greatest discoveries and exploits in this world were achieved by people who never gave up after they failed. We should use our failures as learning curves and stepping stones to our success.
The Fear of Going First
Most people are more comfortable with following other people's footsteps. We are afraid of being the forerunner or innovators. If you doubt your abilities or any productive idea because no one has ever done it, you avoid taking the risk and seeing what God can do through you base on those productive innovations.
The Fear of Investing
For us to be successful we have to be active (always ready) to invest in ourselves first before anyone else can take us seriously and invest in us. To do exploits you must be ready to invest your time, talent, abilities, resources, and finance. Remember the story of the three (3) servants in the book according to the gospel of Saint Matthew 25:14-30, the servant with one talent let fear rob and overshadow him of a great opportunity to work and invest in himself.
The Fear of Opposition
To get the position you desire, you have to face opposition. There will always be people who will speak against you in any areas of your positive ideas or innovations. You must learn to look past the naysayers and remain focused on the goals or your set targeted achievements.
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