Mr. Babajide Kolade Otitoju, group controller Public and Current Affairs at TVC, while delivering a speech at the Seraph Media Summit, said if the church desires to make the most of its efforts to spread the good news far and wide and reach the unsaved, there must be proper collaboration between the church and media because the media has unsurpassed capability in spreading news and messages.
He emphasized that in the journey of a better society, both media and the church constitute the intersection called the ‘Social Conscience’. This is a critical responsibility that can neither be delegated nor relegated.
On the other hand, so much has also been said in Nigeria about the increase in the number of churches and the decline in the moral fervor of the nation. Indeed, if the church, the ultimate custodian of moral law, ceases to shed light by its example, the ramifications are far broader.
He said that while the church continues to act as salt and light of the world by teaching, rebuking, correcting and instructing in what is right, the media ought to amplify these same values. To this end, when the media adopts a bias to propagate what is conducive to sound moral ethics, it is to be seen as complimenting the mission of the church on earth. Christians who work in the media would not be out of place to deliberately advance the interest of the gospel in this singular manner.
Mr. Otitoju declared in his speech that ‘Any society in which these two key institutions are united in purpose is set on course for growth and development’.
He firmly stated that the media must steadfastly abide by its obligation to speak truth to power and it must do so without fear or favor; the church must not deviate from its mission to speak the saving truth to a fallen and lost world.
The advent of social media has introduced a new dimension to social communication in a way that raises vital imperatives. It has been argued widely that social media has put power in the hands of citizens without responsibility. Many times, it is to be observed that not only are our youth and members exposed to all kinds of morally reprehensible content, they are sometimes, the very creators and purveyors of same, Mr. Babajide explained.
He called the attention of all to the perilous ideas on the loose in these end time as part of the devil’s scheme to lure members away with him into destruction. Should we not endeavor, as church and media, to take up and guide the conversations for moral direction in Nigeria?
He stated ‘it is my well-considered view that, if societal change is our desired goal, it cannot come from elsewhere. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” is the command Jesus gave in John 8:32, adding later that believers must “go into the whole world and preach the gospel, baptizing all who repent in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost”.
A writer, Dudley Hall quotes “the church is God’s media, designed to spread the Good news of His kingdom to the world”
In his conclusion, Mr. Babajide said “if in the quote above, we substitute Nigeria for the world, it becomes clear that there is an enormous task in the hands of the Nigerian church which she can only achieve optimally, if it partners with the media in the most meaningful way”.
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