Can we meet you sir?
My name is Cherub Obadare, an accountant by profession, an ex banker, From Ikeji-Ile ijesha, Osun state.Currently the president and shepherd Spirit Life C&S Church and Spirit Life Discipleship Ministry, Ibadan.
Were you born into the C&S fold or as time went by, you joined the c&s church?
I was born in the C&S, C&S Movement Church, Sub-headquarters, Kano. My father is a prophet in the C&S.
Can you give us a brief of how you became born again?
I became born again on the 19th of February 1999, I was returning home from school when a Brother met me and started preaching to me, and I made a decision to accept Christ that very day, since then I have not seen that Brother again
We like you to kindly tell us about your ministry. How you started and the journey so far?
I have been a field and itinerary preacher for many years even when I was still working in the banking industry. Precisely I started preaching around churches since 2004. But the church ministry started 6th Dec. 2015. Thereafter, the Lord has given me the privilege of pioneering a prophetic movement, that is it aim at bringing sanity in the prophetic ministry and raising new breeds of prophets and prophetic who are Christ. Removing all forms spiritual blindfolds through intensive preaching and teaching of the word grace and truth
What can you say about c&s church?
The C&S Church is a great church set to librate from the power of darkness to the kingdom of light, Baba orimolade who was the founder of the church was an Evangelist and a prophet who travelled the length and breath of this country. However, some of his followers went their way and devised and path for their kind ministry that has little or no root in the scriptures. A lot of damages were done because of their ignorance and unwillingness to learn. It’s the reason some believers in the body of Christ still reproach the church till date, because some were victims of false prophets who operated under the guise of members of the C&S Church. However, the Lord has sent revival into the church and He has raised so many of sons and daughters who will not compromise their faith or bow for Baal
What are/is the thing(s) you love about the C&S church?
1.The church was founded on Christ Jesus- it was not because some folks wanted fame or money
2. There inspiration the hymns carries
3. The vision of the church.... till all blindfolds is remove from the earth. Even though many in The C&S don’t know the vision
What's your favorite hymn? Why?
Apalase agbala Orun pe ke gbe ma Bisi, It’s because the hymn contains the vision and mission of the C&S Church
How can a church grow, according to the Bible? And What are some of the most important ideas and practices that will enhance the growth of a C&S church?
The church is an organic ministry, a spiritual living body- that should naturally with time and process under the right atmosphere. Just like any living tree will grow naturally if it’s the right atmosphere. Meanwhile, for a church , it’s the responsibility of the pastor or shepherd to provide the right atmosphere for growth by sowing the seed of the word and pruning it constantly. Paul said in 1 Cor 3:7-6- I plant and Apollos waters, it’s God that gives the increase. We should provide the right atmosphere, the church will grow naturally, just like every living being grows. For the C&S Church, until the church submits completely to the lordship of Jesus Christ , by aligning her doctrines and practices to the New Testament teachings of a new creation church, not after traditions, philosophy and rudiments of this world that is not after Christ- col 2:8
Can you shed more light on why we have different fractions of C&S
The church is the body of Christ, anything aside the pattern of Christ is deception. According to history, the C&S used to be a praying band, called the aladura. However, at a point under the leadership of Baba Moses orimolade, rebellion and conspiracies broke out among the followers of Baba orimolade, some of these folks went ahead to start their own churches, with all kinds of patterns and doctrines, which some were not scripture based doctrines
Is there any advice you have for the C&S youths?
The C&S youths should wake up their responsibilities, they should not get themselves involved in unnecessary activities, programs without progress and should not allow power tussles and the crave for positions and authority, titles without mantles to distract them from the main assignment of soul winning. they should not involve in struggles for the pulpits and the rat race for fame and material possessions but should be practitioners of the word of God...Living the word of God by proofs.
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