On a sunny Tuesday afternoon the country Cotonou received a great missionary and the Mother Theresa of Africa to their nation; Rev.Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi and her evangelical team for the PEKADIX FOR CHRIST 2O19. It was a new dawn as the fiery seraphim both on earth and heaven celebrated the outpour of love God showed to them.
Pekadix for Christ is an event set aside by the Cherubim and Seraphim Church Unification,HNAUB chapter, to reachout to lost souls who haven't heard about Jesus Christ. It is also to bring diversity and to set an unforgettable footprint of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for the nation. It is a powerful packed 3days revival to liberate men from the shackles of sin and death. This year's edition was a special one as the unshakable Iya Adura of our time was present for the event to preach and pray for the nation. It was a life changing encounter for people as God opened the heavens to rain blessings on His people.
The event comprised of alot of activities from a welcoming dinner hosted by the Nigerian Ambassador to the Republic of Benin Ambassador Kayode Oguntuwase, visitation of the leadership of the Celestial Church of Christ and Cherubim and Seraphim Church for the awareness of the upcoming Celebrate the Comforter event. Mama was also present at a radio and television station to broadcast to the world about the upcoming Celebrate the Comforter event.
The revival officially started on thursday with a great outpour of the Holy Ghost and the topic was Zealousness in the God's work. The minister of the word was Pastor Owatunde Marshal and prayer was by Pastor Mike Ajayi of the New Covenant Model Parish. The second day, we experienced the cloud of his witness as Pastor Gideon Oyedepo took us through the word and Rev.Mother Esther Abimbola Ajayi prayed for the congregation.
The final day brought about a special encounter as the Iya Adura took the word and prayer with the topic 'the God of our fathers'. The last day featured award presentation as different ministers of God at the event were presented with awards. Present at the event was also many gospel music ministers like Nuel, Gigo, Fere Jesu and the Charis Crew etc.
A new name was given to Mummy and Daddy Ajayi in French. Mummy was given 'Ressembleur mondial D'Eglise du vetement blanc' meaning the Unifier of the White Garment Churches and daddy was named 'Point de railment de Cherubins Et Seraphins' meaning the Ralling point of the C&S churches, they were also presented with an award. The event was officially closed by Iya Adura and grace by His Eminence Noel Kuton Baba Aladura Eternal Sacred Order.
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