At the just concluded Exploring Educational Excellence Seminar, the pioneer of Chemical Engineering in Nigeria spoke to the younger generation on educational excellence in the 21st century where he broke down the major problem affecting the Nigerian educational system and spoke to the teens on how to stay afloat for the future.
In his lecture he expressed how Nigerian student are still being taught with 18th century curriculum in the 21st century. He also emphasized that the selection of career for secondary students is sometimes based on the exposure and age bracket of the individual. He was saddened with the way subjects are being structured. He said for our educational system we need to focus on the learning not on the teaching.
He gave an exposition on the future, that it is based on innovation and it's for the innovative people, people who can invent new processes and new ideas - Risk Takers . Innovation is the instrument of entrepreneurship and for education to be effective, We must develop innovative people.
He also talked about the values of an ideal teacher, which he adviced that student should be taught more of practical and how to use their hands and the classroom in such a way that we communicate with phones.
He spoke on 21st Century educator, that he/she must be competent in his or her own discipline and must be versatile in the use of technology to enhance learning and should have proper communication and research skills.
He gave careers needed in the future and explained to the younger generation the insight of why they are needed. The careers include:
*Engineering Design
*Energy systems and Engineering
*Resource Recovery Management
*Waste Management Engineering
*Technology and Innovation Management
*Transport Management
*Food Processing and Engineering
*Maintenance Management Engineering
*Welding Technology
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