Jehovah Christ Prayer House Celebrates 50 Years Anniversary. My Ambition Was to Become a Professor Before Jesus Appeared to Me - His Eminence M.I.O Ebahor

Jehovah Christ Prayer House Celebrates 50years Anniversary...My ambition was to become a professor before Jesus appeared to me - His Eminence M.I.O Ebahor
A 50-year celebration is a great milestone and accomplishment in life which also invariably applies to the church of God. It was a great joy and excitement for the founder of Jehovah Christ Prayer House, His Eminence M.I.O Ebahor Erebi JP. DD. who also doubles as the Supreme Head of the Eternal Sacred Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim Church. The church he founded celebrated 50 years of existence in an online anniversary on Sunday, 5th July 2020. The clergyman full of gratitude to God and in prophetic dance steps of his favourite hymn: "E tun eniyan mi ninu lo Oluwa wi" expressed so much joy to God and all who helped throughout the journey of the church. In an Interview with Bolaji Olasupo and Elijah Omosuyi of Seraphstories, The Supreme Head told the story of how the journey started and gave a word of admonition.
Can you tell us how you feel celebrating your Church Golden Jubilee?
I give glory and honour to the Almighty God, the creator of the universe who called me into this marvelous light and gave me a holy call. Today is a special day for me. On this day 1970, the foundation of the church was laid. The church vicinity was a very thick forest and the swampy area was mostly occupied by fishermen. A lot of people were anxious about how I got to this place, but it was the Holy Spirit's leading. On a faithful Friday in 1969, I got on a water boat, the Spirit of God told me to crossover and I obeyed. On the journey, I met a palm-wine tapper who asked, "Prophet what are you looking for?" I told him I was looking for land for a house of prayer. Without stress, God gave us the land. That was how the church started which attracted a lot of people from our vicinity and people came to me for prayers. As I speak to you we have branches over the country. I appreciate God for this and celebrate all the fathers I served under.
Can you take us through your journey in the C&S church?
I started my primary education at age 19 in Waterside, Delta State, with my parents. I joined a Cherubim and Seraphim Church in Delta state in the year 1940. I lost my mum and I had to come to Lagos for my secondary education at the Secondary Modern School, Epe and I graduated in the year 1960. Later In 1960, I planned to work in Lagos to achieve my ambition of becoming a professor. In 1961, the Late Baba Aladura Ajose had a branch in Ajegule that I joined alongside the Late Oguntolu and the Late Banjo. During a church revival, a prophet of God said to me that "the Lord has need of me, that the Lord said I shouldn't go back to school, I was mandated to do God's work." Then I was 30 years, I wasn't very happy and was annoyed. I just wanted to go back to become a professor. Again the voice of God came to me from a woman of God telling me to adhere to God's mandate for my life unless I would die.
In 1963, I was in a serious illness while on the sickbed, Jesus appeared to me. He said, "The sickness you are experiencing today you will see them no more if you accept me. You shall be healed and not die even if you die I will raise you in the day of judgment." Immediately I accepted him and the sickness disappear and that was the year I became a prophet and that led me to this place.
With many years of experience in the Cherubim and Seraphim Church. What can you say about the C&S church?
The C&S church is a great church founded by Baba Orimolade. The Lord told me it was only Orimolade he sent to establish the church, but the doctrine Orimolade gave us we don't practice it. This is the major reason we have diverse divisions in the church and untimely death. To be a C&S member you must be honest, truthful, and serve only God, according to the scripture John 4:20-26. The church needs to flee from sins. In our church today we don't know who is saved or not.
I was captivated by your dance steps to the hymn "E tu eniyan mi ninu l'oluwa wa". Is that your favourite hymn?
Yes, It is the best of all. It drives the presence of God in me.
As a preacher of love, How were you able to preach love in the church despite the crisis?
When God gives you a gift, you don't look at the people. You focus on God, and not the people. This is my trick to winning people and the youth.
With the state of things in the world, kindly give a word of admonition to the people of God.
"God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change his mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?" The crisis in the world was because the world denied the Jehovah God, all churches, and mosques are in serious crisis which is against the plan of God for humanity. I believe if the world will unite and pray to the creator of the universe, I trust God for deliverance and healing.
Finally, a word of advice for the Cherubim and Seraphim Church?
The word of God is new every morning and our God doesn't change, but we are not faithful to God. We have left the true doctrine Baba Orimolade gave to us. The church should always remember that God is the giver of gifts because many of our members are serving an unknown God. I also urge the church to flee from fornication and adultery.
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