An Eye-Opener For The C&S Church
The word 'revival' is a term that's greatly misconceived and therefore misapplied by many as a one-time activity that takes place in a section of the church service which involves singing fast tempo songs, clapping and dancing, this has made a lot of people run into errors when they hear the word 'revival' and many tend to wonder that what's all the noise about the end-time revival.
Revival is defined (among many definitions) as an evangelistic meeting intended to reawaken interest in religion or spiritual activities, the keyword here is "reawaken", other words that can be used for revival are: revitalize, resurgence, reactivate etc. It means for something that is dormant or inactive to come back into action. Revival is a pure spiritual activity that awakens the consciousness of the people to the kind of life that God intends for them to live and it's characterized by new lifestyle, holiness, piety, repentance and supernatural operations, the end-time revival, therefore, is a global reawakening of people, especially in the church to the fact that the second coming of Jesus Christ is imminent and people need to prepare appropriately for it.
To, therefore, usher in this end-time revival, God is already raising the Kingdom Army to awaken and reawaken the people who are slumbering and sleeping in the church to get prepared for this latter part of the last days, which the Bible calls the perilous times - 2nd Tim 3: 1. This article is in response to the call for the church to know that this end-time revival cannot begin until there's a baptism with the fire of holiness, which will be obvious in the lives of people. The Holy Spirit said to me that: The teaching and lifestyle of Holiness must be opened up again because an unholy entity cannot host the end-time revival! In other words, the church that God will use to usher in or carry out the end-time revival must be pure, holy and without blemish.
The C&S Church being a global church (based on my personal encounter with St Moses Orimolade Tunolase who told me that C&S is not a local church but a global church, with the mandate to cause a global eye-opening for all people) has a vital role to play in the rising of this End Time Army, one of our hymns says "Isoji ayeraye nbowa, Jesu se wa ye fun ojo na...", "the global end-time revival is coming, Jesus count us worthy for the day...", what this song is saying is that: it's not in the energy of the flesh or human ideologies that we can prepare for the global revival but under the influence and auspices of the Holy Spirit, who is the Executive Officer of the affairs of Jesus on the earth. Another hymn says "titi gbogbo ifoju Okan yio fi tan l'aye" "till there's an end to all spiritual blindness in the whole world" indicating one of the reasons for the establishment of the C&S church, if we're to this global mandate of healing spiritual blindness, we must embrace this message of holiness to usher in the end-time revival.
Please understand that the Holy Spirit can only dwell in a holy life, so there must be a shift in the order of the affairs of individuals in the church from the past ways of doing things to the new order, unholiness and unrighteousness must become a thing of the past and we should all put on the new man, Christ Jesus (Eph. 4: 22 - 24), God said through Ap. Peter that "Be ye holy in all manner of conversation... be ye holy for I am holy" 1st Peter 1: 15 - 16, we should, therefore, prepare for the global revival by asking God for "The fire of Holiness that will usher in the end-time revival to be released into our lives". As a church we should teach on holiness (which is one of the mandates that the Holy Spirit has given to me) because some of the things that are happening in the church nowadays are making Jesus unhappy in heaven and it is because the foundation of the teaching on holy and righteous living is no more in place, it's hyper grace messages in songs and sermons that are trending and people are embracing it, for instance, someone sang that "He (God) doesn't look at his behaviour, utterances and character but He's taking care of him", but we all know that God sees, looks at and knows everything in the world, He may not respond to your errors waiting for you to make changes, do you want to say that God doesn't know that there are people in churches that: fornicate, are drunkards, are fraudsters, proud, boastful, immoral, fetish etc, but He's only waiting for them to repent, turn to Christ for their salvation and be baptised with the fire of holiness in order for them to also operate with the Holy Kingdom Army that God is raising for the end time revival
Finally, the enrollment into the End Time Army is still going on, you can also join by accepting Christ Jesus today, turning away from sin, accepting and submitting to the Holy Ghost and receiving the baptism with the fire of holiness to make you become a host for the resources of God to usher in the end-time revival, remember "without holiness, it's impossible to host the Divine presence of God and usher in the global revival".
I pray for you my readers that in the name of Jesus, you'll be touched by the Holy Spirit.
I declare that you'll receive the baptism with the fire of holiness in Jesus name.
Pastor Dr Alo Olatokunboh Akin (JPil)
C&S Movt Church (Chapel of Resurrection)
Ifako Ijaye, Lagos
Anchor Man,
Transformation Hour Network International, Lagos
Mail: pastoralotokunboh@gmail.com
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