At the press conference held towards the official dedication of the new cathedral of the Sacred C&S Church, El-Bethel Shiloh Cathedral. The spiritual head of the Sacred C&S Church, Elder Apostle Bola Odubela said that one of the first place Baba Orimolade and Captain Abiodun Emmanuel spread the coast of the Cherubim and Seraphim Society of Nigeria (as it was then known) was Agege which wasn't readily accepted, but a woman named Mrs Rachael Hamilton known as Mama Ibadan defied the challenge by going to the neighborhood to preach and win souls for Christ which led to a start of a church in her home in an area called Atobaje Agege. The church was the first C&S church in the ancient city of Agege. At a point the growth of the church and divine leading brought about acquiring a new site which was situated at OKE - Koto, Agege and dedicated in 1941.
In retrospect the church saw the need of a bigger and modern building which led them to the building of the second church, which was dedicated in 1979. Elder Odubela stated that, 'the dedication of the new church is actually to pay tribute to the founding fathers - the men and women who have worked selflessly to bring us to where we are today. They defied all odds to ensure that Cherubim and Seraphim Church came to stay in Agege'. He also said it is an occasion to appreciate the labour of hero and heroines, past and present who sacrificed their labour and material endowment at every stage.
The Clergy also spoke on national issues where he affirmed that God is still in the business of listening to genuine cries of his people if they repent of their sins and look up to him (2 Chronicles 7:14). He emphasized that the body of Christ should unite in prayers. He also said the Federal Government should declare a nation day of prayer for forgiveness. He urged Lagosians to cooperate with the state government by obeying environmental and traffic laws to make the state habitable and pleasurable for all of us.
Elder Odubela in his words, 'We are responsible organizations and will continue to do everything within our ability to support the government and our people in every way possible'.
The official dedication is to take place on Saturday 27th July, 2019 and dignitaries expected to grace the event are Supreme head of C&S worldwide, His Most Eminence Dr. S. A Alao JP, Cardinal James Odubaku the preacher of the day and the chief guest of the day Rev. Esther Abimbola Ajayi. The event also comes with other sidelined programmes such as the commissioning of free tap water for OKE koto Community, visit to motherless babies home, operation feed 1000 people for Christ.
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