Do Things Rightly And Blow Your Trumpet Says Snr. Supt J.O Adagba JP

Snr. Supt J.O Adagba JP, Chairman of C&S Unification Church of Nigeria, Lagos State Chapter commended our team for a job well done at the Online Joint Lenten Service, held at C&S The Worshippers, Bolorundo Parish, Ejigbo. Speaking with our correspondent Elijah Omosuyi, he said:
"I appreciate what's happening in Cherubim and Seraphim Church this time because the new generation is bringing innovation to our church. Nobody hears us, nobody listens to us because we only talk within the four corners of our church(es). Whatsoever we say there is so much limited but with this innovation of Seraphstories, we are going places. The wise people do say that, if you don't blow your trumpet, nobody will blow it for you. All those who are performing less than we do, propagate themselves and the entire world hears them, while amidst us where the miracles happen always, nobody hears us.
"According to our father's adage which says; 'Nkan tí a bá fi pamó, òhun ní o ma n níyì.' It is no more valid with this our generation, don't keep anything, you just have to let the world know what you are doing, in as much as you are doing the right thing. If you are hiding anything, it shows that you have a skeleton in your cupboard."
We have so many spiritual elements in Seraph, people who God is using mightily, we have a large number of them in our church, let us just continue to showcase Seraphs and I see God working mightily amidst us, the sky is our starting point.
The chairman admonished all Seraphs with the scripture, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Let us not sow to our destruction, but let's sow for the edification of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We shouldn't be hasty with things as it has been much from the ages past. To those who believe in fetish things who say in Yoruba dialect that; "Enití ó bá ran ara re lówó, òhun ní òrìsà òkè yio ran lówó." Seek help from God only according to the book of Psalms 121:1-2, not from a human. We can't help Jesus Christ except he helps us because the scripture says, "All power belongs to Jesus both on Earth and in Heaven, therefore go ye into the world, to preach the gospel of the message and if anyone hears you, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."
Some C&S churches do not imbibe the culture of water baptism, water baptism is important, it creates a contractual agreement with Jesus Christ according to the gospel of Matthew 28:18-20. Many emphasized the baptism of Holyghost by fire, but the Holy Spirit had descended before Philip baptized the Eunuch while going along the roadside (Acts 8:32-38). Don't say Water baptism is wrong, if anyone is baptized and he or she went through the rudiments of baptismal class, he will exercise fear, so baptism is very important. All Cherubim and Seraphim Churches who do not abide should do so.
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