Cherubim and Seraphim Church set to celebrate 97th Anniversary

It's time for another gathering of the Seraphs as the church is set to celebrate the 97th year of her existence.
This year's seraphim day anniversary is scheduled to hold on Saturday September 10 2022 at Seraphim Land, Kilometer 40, Lagos- Ibadan Expressway, Maba, Ogun State.
The Ceremonies and Anniversaries Planning Committee( C&APC) ably led by Apostle Femi Akinpelu Jpil said the committee has worked tirelessly and all is set for this year Seraphim Day Anniversary. According to him, "this year will be a big celebration unlike the last two celebrations that was celebrated in a low key as a result of COVID-19, pandemic. "I enjoined seraphs to attend this year's anniversary as the Lord is ready to give them rest in all sides".He added that provisions has been made for security personnels, within the hours of the celebration.
However, the annual event is the largest gathering of the church that brings together both young and old Seraphs from across the globe to worship and give thanks to God for His faithfulness.
The 97th anniversary is themed 'Then you will find rest' from the book of Prophet Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16.
Lady Evangelist Aduke Gold and Evangelist Israel Classic will lead worshippers to the throne of grace with their melodious songs.
The Supreme Head of the Church and the host, His Most Eminence Prophet (Dr) Solomon Adegboyega Alao Jpil will be present to welcome Seraphs to this great occasion.
As Seraphs rejoice for this year's anniversary, they look forward to the centenary celebration of the church.
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