The Supreme Head, In his address at the Seraph Media Summit held at Seraphim land, Km 40, Lagos/Ibadan expressway, Maba, on Saturday July 6, 2019, His Most Eminence, Dr. Prophet Solomon Adegboyega Alao (JP) said he's grateful to the Most High, through Jesus Christ for a wonderful day like this. He said, 'It is a day that God has purposely designed to let the world know our true identity as a Bible-believing church and correct some of the misconceptions that are capable of confusing the public about the Cherubim and Seraphim church.'
He stated, 'I sincerely thank the organizers of this program that thought it wise to actualize my charge to the delegates at the 2019 Annual General Conference of the church where I declared that we have to do more in our media engagement and publicize our activities, doctrine and beliefs. At that conference, we opened a dedicated account for that purpose to underscore the importance of publicity, which we have not been taking seriously. We seem to be publicity shy but the time has come to blow our trumpet '.
He further stated that 'all C&S doctrines and beliefs were divinely revealed and are firmly rooted in the Bible; from our mode of dressing to worship and hymnals. The scripture is our compass and this is the reason why God dwells in our midst and the Holy Spirit manifest himself whenever we worship God in truth and in spirit '.
He also said that the C&S church has contributed immensely to making the society better by providing clinics, schools to various communities and our tertiary institution, Moses Orimolade University (MOU), Omu Aran, Kwara State will soon take off.
Baba Alao expressed his displeasure at the attitude of some people towards the C&S church, that despite the physical and spiritual supports of the church, some still take joy in tagging the church in ungodly names which negate the essence of the church. He pleads with them to fear God and desist from such act. He admits that we have few bad eggs amongst us, though this isn't peculiar to our church alone, but it is a sin for those who ought to know to use exceptional cases to brand the church for selfish reasons. We cannot divide the body of Christ'.
He empathically stated that 'Any church, prophet or prophetess that goes beyond the use of water and anointing oil for prayers is not part of us. Anybody who engages in blood rituals or idolatry practices is not part of us because Jesus has shed his blood for us on the cross of calvary and no other blood is acceptable again'.
Furthermore, he agreed that there's need for self-assessments in order to deal decisively with impersonators (fake prophets and prophetess) within the ambit of the law because some of them are not known to the C&S church and do not have a certificate of registration. Before concluding his address, he made it known to the members of the press that not all Christians that adopted white garment as their official dressing for mode of worship are C&S. So, he urged them to take the pains to specify the name of the church of the offender instead of just writing 'a prophet of white garment church' has done this or that.
Finally, he ended his speech by warning prophets of doom that are prophesying negative and bleak future for this country to desist. He said, 'God loves Nigeria and the country will surely overcome her challenges. Our future as a nation is bright because God answers our prayers'. He urged Nigerians to continue to pray for President Muhammadu Buhari and all our governors at various states. He also urged the President to do more in allaying the fears of alleged attempt to Islamize, Fulanise or Northernize Nigeria. I strongly believe this is not possible because Nigeria is a secular state and any political decision or policy that may appear anti-secularism is a hot potato that must be dropped immediately.
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