C&S LASU to release musical project, February 12

Cherubim and Seraphim Church Unification Campus Fellowship, Lasu Chapter is set to release its musical project on February 12, 7:00 pm. This project is peculiar to every administration that steers the affairs of the fellowship via the choir unit, under the leadership of the choir coordinator and members of the unit.
A music industry professional is in charge of directing and coordinating the project as directed by God. Israel Classic, a well-known minstrel, is the director of this live recording experience that will be released on YouTube.
Speaking with the stakeholders on the purpose and expectations of the project, below is what they have to say about it:
Adeniji Olabode Moses, President of the Fellowship
What is the purpose of the project?
The purpose of the project is aimed at furthering and advancing the influence of the Kingdom in keeping with the word in season for the administration as revealed by the Lord. It is also aimed at birthing fresh hunger, encounters, building up, and edification of the saints in light.
What should be people's expectations of this project?
The expectations of people about this project should be nothing else than touching and encountering God in all his dimensions. People should expect the multifaceted dimensions of the kingdom. There would be fellowship with the King Spirit via pure streams of sound and words of exhortation. There's an influence of the Spirit to rekindle hunger and longings with Jesus.
People's prayer life will come alive again, their spiritual antennas heightened and quickened to hear and pick the speakings of God in sounds and His communicative modes. In all trueness, the Kingdom will surely happen to everyone that logs on and subscribes to the sounds released via this project.
Olabisi Priscilla, Choir Coordinator of the Fellowship
Tell us about the uniqueness of this project.
Aside from having a top-notch technicality/professionalism in this project, it is the gathering of different unification campus fellowships choirs, engaging in the raising an outcry of pure sounds of revival to God.
What are your challenges on the project?
The number one challenge I had was trying to get people to understand the concept of the project. Secondly was trying to work with the allocated budget for the project considering that we are students. Also, fixing rehearsal dates and times was a major challenge because we had other people join the rehearsal.
What should be people's expectations of this project?
The Holy Spirit, revealing the posture of God’s heart towards the unification campus and C&S fold at large.
Israel Classic, Director of the Project.
How do you feel about directing this musical project?
I had seen this by revelation even before I was summoned to direct the project. So, it was with great delight that I jumped on the project. I feel fulfilled and blessed to have directed this project.
What should be people's expectations of this project?
People should expect the pure streams of sounds that bring about an encounter with the person of the Holy Spirit. People's prayer altar will come alive once again and this will stir men to fellowship with the Lord.
Ojekunle Aduragbemi, Mixing Engineer
How do you feel working on this project?
It was cool working with them, and having them come up with this idea made me feel like people are thinking more than just dance and percussion. People are thinking about something spiritual in the upper room, and incorporating that into music makes the music beautiful. The energy from everyone, including those who weren't on the mic, simply gave the music power.
What should be people's expectations of this project?
Everyone longs for the presence and dominion of God, Paradise, and this song portrays that longing. You only need to listen to realize what I just said.
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