Meet Ayomi Write, The foremost C&S spoken word artist.

Meet Ayomi Write, The foremost C&S spoken word artist.

Ayomide Adewale Faith, professionally known as Ayomi write, a spoken word poet shares her journey into the world of poetry and particularly, spoken words poetry.

Can we meet you?
 I'm Ayomide Adewale. I'm a page poet and also a spoken word poet. I'm also a creative content creator amongst other things.

Tell us what spoken word poetry is all about?
A Spoken word is 'written texts' gaining 'life'. A word isn't a 'word' until it's spoken. Even God did not inscribe "let there be light" in the brightness of the sun you know, he had to say it! And the moment he said it, the words gained life and there was light. The same thing works for poetry. A poem isn't alive until it's read aloud or spoken to an audience.

How were you introduced to spoken word poetry?
Omo, should we say poetry? As a literature student (back then in secondary school), I wouldn't say poetry is strange to me because it was a subject I took in school. 
But spoken words poetry? Hmmm, I can't specifically point at anybody or anything. Truth is, I don't know the source of my interest but one thing I remember is, I found myself doing it and I loved it. My love for spoken words poetry is still growing daily. Permit me to say I'm still crushing on it and I'm yet to fall deeply in love with it.

How long have you been in the spoken word industry?
I wrote my first poem on 9th August 2018. However, I made up my mind to go into spoken words in April 2020. Many people don't know this.

Can you tell us about your first performance?
 My first performance was online. It was organized by punpoets and the theme of the event was Aging. I remember I performed a poem titled Arugbo Ojo. It was indeed a very great experience. The organizer of the event was also amazing. So, I couldn't help but love the industry more.

What is your favorite line of your poem and your favorite poem you have written?

My favorite line is "The Sky is your starting point and not your resting place". It's the last line of one of my poems titled The Commandments. I love it so much because it works as an anti-anxiety pill for me. 
I don't have a favorite work of mine. They all hit differently depending on my mood at the moment. But a particular poem would always ring in my head almost all the time. It's titled "blinding spring". Oh, you see, another one just popped up again. To be honest, I don't have a favorite of my poems.

Did your church(C&S) have any impact on u fulfilling this height?
 Yes, my first seraph stage was my church.
They didn't stop there, they gave me my second stage. And ever since, the push, support, and prayers have been awesome.

A source told us you traveled to Edo to perform?.
It was a slam. I was the first runner-up.

Can you tell us how was the experience performing on such a big stage?

It wasn't easy but God won't forsake his own. 
Truth be told, I was a bit intimidated but thanks to the great poets I met there. I'm better now.

What does it take to be a spoken word poet?
 It's a creative industry. Just be bold and creative.

What would you love to say to someone who's just starting? 
 The sky is your starting point and not your resting place!

Where do you see yourself in five years?
In the next 5 years? I see myself winning.

What is your advice for teenagers who aspire to be like you?
Don't try to be like me, Be you!

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