HOW TO GET HELP FROM ANYONE - Olukotun Gideon Olusola

HOW TO GET HELP FROM ANYONE - Olukotun Gideon Olusola

Those who need help don't do hide and seek. You have to come out plain to a place or point where people can see you truly need help. 

Like every other human, I face challenges and go through stuff but one thing I have come to understand about life is not to assume things for people. Humans are unpredictable. The person you thought would be able to help you could be the one to first disappoint you. The one you never imagined could help would be the one to help you beyond expectation. So I stopped assuming. 

There is only one fundamental way to receiving help as far as I am concerned. It is not by wishing, hoping, assuming, or worrying - IT IS BY ASKING. Only those who ask receive. Only those who seek will find what they are seeking. If you don't ask for help, why should you expect to get help? It is like expecting harvest when you have not planted. 

Although God knows your need and sees your situation, still He'd wait till you ask. Are you not also surprised why Jesus was asking a blind man shouting for help what he wants? Probably, he needed something else than the opening of his sight. So even Jesus wouldn't assume and he did this in many ways. 

Today, I see a lot of people who need help but isolate themselves from the public and even from those who have the capacity to help them. You can't get help from isolation. You get help from association; directly or indirectly. 

Jesus said to a man with a withered hand, "Step up where people can see you." Not for pride but if he stayed isolated, even Jesus may not have been able to help him because many were already looking for what to hold against him. Above all, be guided and courageous. God does not come down to help anyone, He uses humans.

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