Eight (8) Reasons Why You Could Not Achieve Your 2019 Goals

Eight (8) Reasons Why You Could Not Achieve Your 2019 Goals

Think about it, how many of the goals you set at the beginning of the 2019 has been achieved?

According to a research done by the University of Scranton, it was revealed that a staggering 92% of people who set New Year's goal never actually achieve them. I've done it many times as well but now I know better. From my personal and coaching experience, below are 8 reasons why the majority of people don't achieve their goals.

1. Setting goals that are not S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time Framed).

2. Having no step by step plan or following a goal setting process towards creating and achieving your goals. An action plan gives your goals the power and wings to fly.

3. Having no accountability partner. Everyone needs an accountability partner to succeed because there are no true and lasting success without accountability. An accountability partner is one who keeps you in check towards achieving your goal.

4. Setting too many goals at the same time. Yes, this also hinders many people from achieving their goal. When you have too many goals to pursue at the same time, within the same period of time, oftentimes, none becomes achieved.

5. Setting goals without holistic visualization of the future. If you don't know where you are going, how do you know when you get there? If you can't see your desired destination, how do you know when you get there? After all, goal setting is about "as far as your eyes can see..."

6. Following unrealistic trends: We are now in that time of the year when people set new year goals and resolutions. Well, I am happy to tell you that you don't always have to do the same. The goal you will set on new year day, you can also do it now and even better if you do, because it gives you enough time to draw your plans ahead.

7. Having unmatched commitment or work ethic to your set goals. While goal-setting is an interesting thing to do, the real joy comes when they are being fulfilled but that often comes with hard work. If your work ethic does not match your desire, you either end up a dreamer or a late-achiever.

8. Procrastination. This is at the top of it for most people. Procrastination is choosing the urgent over the important. It is also choosing instant gratification over delayed gratification. The truth yet remains that everyone procrastinates. However, our understanding of prioritizing is what differs. Don't forget to share this with someone who needs it.

Olukotun Gideon Olusola

Lead Coach, Take the Lead Coaching Consult

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